Home Forums The Annex Board Honoring VIctor: NOT: Part 2

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  • #60165

    I can see that in a way that it was a moving tribute to Victor, when they had shown Justin asking Victor to be his best man, sobbing uncontrollably in Bonnie’s arms, then showing his photo on the table when Justin relayed the news to everyone, Maggie remembering Victor when Maggie agreed to let Mickey go, then they had Alex & Sonny going through a photo album. But was it, after the two weeks was shown in letting people to know what happened to Victor, & their grieving & remembering themselves with Victor, look what played out. They thought it was a wise move to inflict bodily harm to a man who had both feet in his own grave, then they had only had shown his photo on a table, then they had the main focal point onto Mickey to celebrate Maggie’s anniversary, then they had Victor’s great-nephews looking at 3 photos of him, then the main focal point & all of the attention is on Vivian who crashes the memorial, when it should be all on Victor & not on her? So was it necessary to bring her back?


    I am going to let the entire week play out before I pass judgement on Victor’s memorial.

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