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  • #5584

    Serena and Eric have been in the park so long it got dark out.

    Jen must be going through menopause wearing all those sleevless summery dresses.

    Nobody works aroung there but Abby, she’s always running around with papers in her hands.

    Paul’s surgery is on the front of his shoulder.  Don’t they usually go in from the outside of the shoulder for rotator cuff repairs?  They did both of mine that way.  Oh, and I never even had a Band-Aid on it let alone a whole shoulder bandaged and stuck in bed.  Surgery at 1:00 and I was on my way home at 5:00.

    Okay, that’s all I have to pick at today.

    Okay, that’ all



    Bonbon I agree with everything you said. I had rotator cuff surgery and it was at the top of my shoulder with two small band aids. His bandages are no where near his bone structure. Again, makes no sense….


    did anyone notice how “full” her hair was today? I’m sure she had pieces. And Abby’s looked a bit darker, though don’t know if it was just because it was pulled back and in low light. I much prefer her natural shade over the brassy blonde.


    I liked Serena and Eric’s conversations.  I even liked Jen and Daniel’s conversation.  It was actually more than two words before the phone interrupted them, or Jen put her hands up to stop. I like that Serena seems to be nice, and maybe even interesting.  Can one woman be both on this show??? I kind of enjoyed Melanie and Theresa’s fight and that Maxine was there to break it up.  More Maxine, please! I still wish there would have been something with she and Abe, so the two of them would have been on screen more.

    The one thing that did bother me was Ben and Abby on the conference room desk.  GMAB, she’s going to go at it a week after she got her job back?! Ridiculous.  

    I liked the back of Jen’s hair, but I did not like the front at her forehead.  Something didn’t look right.  When she went to answer the door when Daniel was there, I thought she was Sami for a second and I got excited.



    Her hair was way longer and fuller than it normally is. Theresa has also gotten some. Did you notice how much longer her hair was yesterday? I think Days really wants their women to have long hair. Nicole and Adrienne are the only ones who don’t. I think they both tried growing her’s long for a while there but they just looks better with it short.


     I pretty much enjoyed the Wednesday show.  I really like Serena, but I’m not sure if it’s because of her story with Eric as it is because of how much a really love Melissa Archer.  Her role as Natalie Buchanan on One Life to Live was terrific and so far I’m liking her as a past lover of Eric’s, because it relates to more of his backstory explaining his work in the Congo, the death of the priest who was somewhat of a mentor to him, which I’m guessing is when and where his true calling originated, and a bit more info on how his life was affected by it. So far I’m enjoying Serena, but I’m wondering how and why her and Melanie are such good friends, and how does she know Marlena?  If she only met her once, and that was a long time ago, I’m guessing it wasn’t as Eric’s mother.  Lots to unfold, I’m sure, but so far I like the pairing.  It was also a pleasure to watch a civil, ‘friendly’ conversation between Jen and Daniel.  Looks like her trip to visit Laura did her a world of good.  And what can I say about Melanie taking on Theresa?  Loved every minute of it.  Then again, I despise Theresa as well as Anne, so any time this pair gets a little comeuppance thrown in their face, that’s fine with me.  Ben and Abigail are turning into a one-trick pony (or do I mean porn) show, and Jordan is still boring as all hell.  Rafe needs to find a way to help Nicole and get back together with her.  I really enjoyed their ‘whatever’ it was you call what they had.  


    Totally agree. I had a different procedure, not rotator cuff, they went in from the front, back and side, but it was almost all arthroscopic. I do have a longer scar on my arm. However, I was in at 8 and home by noon. I had to sleep in a shoulder brace, but I didn’t have near as much bandaging as Paul. He should have been in and out. 


    I’m not sure what they could do for a pairing for her.  My favorite pairing for Nicole was EJ, next was Brady.  But she’s been down that road with Brady too many times. I’d like to see her with someone fun and a little dangerous.  Maybe a happier and slightly older version of Chad. Nicole has just sworn the man she’s with is her "one true love" way too many times. It would be nice if she was in denial for a while, or went in to a new relationship with caution.  Heck, I’d even take a Lucas or Victor style relationship for her over her "true love" she had with Brady, Daniel, Eric and EJ. Her distaste for Victor and Lucas gave her some great lines.

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