Home Forums The Brady Pub Heh Bonbon!!!! Did you get blown away in those winds in central Florida?

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    Heard they were 80 mph!  Show some footage here and it looked like a mess, but they said no twisters on the ground even though they were reported in the air.  Stay safe!


    But my son who lives just north of Orlando got it pretty bad.  No terrible damage but a lot of the scare factor.  My son was out of town so my DIL called me and I tried to talk her though what it’s like to endure a tornado warning. 

    Heck, when I lived in Illinois, we spend more than one night in the basement waiting for one to pass.  We even had one that went right through our back yard.  The next morning we were the proud owners of a great big swing set that used to belong to the neighbors.  But then, our big Weber Chuckwagon was gone to someone else.

    We had some wind here but not too bad.  Just enough to make a mess of the pool.


    OMG!!!  What a memory!!  I was born and raised in KY and once we had a tornado and when it was over, I was the proud owner of a TON of NEW clothes!!!  They were all over our front yard.  Washed em up, and wore them for several years!! 


     whereas I, in usual fashion this time of year, woke up to 10 1/2" of snow this morning.  BAH!  


    You guys have really had your share of the fluffy stuff.  What’s with this global warming again? 

    We’ve had two unusually cold winters in a row now and it’s only January.  It doesn’t usually cool off very much until February so I’m afraid what the next few months are going to bring.  My electric bill is sky high.  These A/Cs are not built for efficient heating, only cooling.


     I think our kids are close to, or have already surpassed, the limit for being off for "snow" days.  In the past two weeks we’ve probably used 5.  I knew we were going to get dumped on again last night, but all of the meteorologists were calling for 4-6" for my area.  Of course, we wound up with 10 1/2".  They never get it right, but we’re used to that.  I always said I picked the wrong career.

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