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    Well first one in a while but I just had to roll my eyes when Madison tripped and so conviently fell into Brady’s arms.  But it’s ok with these 2, I really like them as a potential pairing. 

    I cant wait to see Sami and Madison working together!!!  It’s about time that Sami had a good female friend. 



    especially with her and Madison being childhood friends.  I’m sure once she gets acclimated to it, she’ll calm down and not be so frazzled from juggling her wife/mother/job duties, and the thought of her and Madison going up against Kate, together, just makes me smile from ear to ear.

    And I thought the same thing today when Madison accidentally (on purpose?) tripped and fell into Brady’s arms.  Don’t you just hate when that happens?  I do.


    I know I cant wait until Kate finds out that Sami is working for MAdison and they were friends growing up!  


    What a tired plot device. Can’t they find a more natural way to illustrate the sexual tension between these two? They were doing so well with the dialog, I’m surprised they got so lazy at the end.


    Dumb, dumb, dumb!!

    And I’m glad Sami is working, but come on!  She hasn’t worked in YEARS and has little job experience to boot, and she’s landed a junior executive position?



    Allison(Sami) drives me up the wall with her overacting.  She is already going like a bull dozer.  She thinks she is so qualified and I doubt she can handle it, unless Madison feels sorry for her and allows her to mess up since they are old friends. But that’s no excuse for poor work ethics.  I don’t know how Rafe can tolerate her.  He really got a mess when he married her. 

    On another subject –  I really am enjoying the whole change in the story lines the new settings and the writers so far.   BUT, if they mess it up and let the DiMeara’s be behind  all of John’s troubles, I will be VERY dissapointed in the writers.  If they can’t write anything but the evil DiMeara’s, then they aren’t any better than the past writers.




    I liked when EJ leaned over Nicole’s shoulder to pick up something behind her the other day much better.  Now THAT was the way to do it.

    I think the best portrayed sexual tension on the show ever was when Patch and Kayla were on the roof and they were all hot and sweaty and he slowly pulled her shoulder strap down.  I could hardly breathe during that one. 

    But then, too, that was probably pulled off by the actors, not the writers.  It DOES go to show it can be done though without stupid stuff like that.  How many professional women would that happen to?  None!


    Junior Executive?   And yesterday when she met up with Madison she plowed right in like she knew what her job responsibilities were.  If that were the case, she should have stayed home, since that’s where she ended up working.  Re your comment on the DiMera’s – at this point they are really the only "evil" family to be behind the John troubles.  They’ll have to come up with another evil family so it can’t all be blamed on the DiMera’s.


    Sami qualified for anything like that?  She hasn’t worked in years!  And was a poor employee when she did have a job.  Sami would make an excellent computer hacker though…lot’s of experience in that line…haha.  AND when did Sami become "good friends" with Madison, I’ve been watching for the last 20 years (with the exception of my last three month boycott), I never saw or heard of this Madison before, so how did that happen?  They poured water on themselves with instant "good friendship" dust?  PLlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleazzzze.  I promised myself I’d give Sami a chance (as she used to be one of my favs), and since every one else on the show seems to have a better plot line, good dialog, and is interesting to watch and the show brought back my favorites…I am happy…but with seeing Sami still be frenetic and off the wall, I may have to FF’d her still.  Please writer’s you have done so well with everything else, please make Sami grow up…I promise I won’t gritch for a year if you do that! 


    They did say Sami and Madison knew each other in 3rd grade when Sami and Eric were living with their grandparents in Colorado.  At least they’re not changing history to have Sami and Madison knowing each other when they were little in Salem.


    she has some good stuff coming our way!


    I tried the tripping and falling into a guy’s arms once.  It was snowing and slippery and I thought he would catch me and it would be very romantic.  He laughed when I fell on my hind end!




    But you get an A for trying.  How funny.

    I’m sure most of us have at one time tried something stupid to get a guy’s attention.  It’s so much easier now days.  All you have to do is go up to him and say "hi" and take it from there.

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