Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Bo and Hope’s final episode

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     I just loved watching the Bo and Hope episode. It finally gave us the closure we all wanted when Bo died so unexpectedly. I loved seeing her with Zack again and the casting director actually chose a young man who resembled Shawn. The final dance to their song Tonight I Celebrate was just icing on the cake. I can only hope that Peter will be asked by the producers to visit again in Hope’s dreams when she needs him.



    Just goes to show you that with the right actors playing the characters we WANT to see – the story telling can be awesome!!!  Loved it.  It actually made me tear up :( 


     And then they blew it with Hopelessgiving another chance to Aiden!


     if you had been in love with someone enough to marry them, it would be very difficult to just walk away from them.  And it was his son who raped her, not him.  What if they had already been married and it happened.  Would she divorce him?  I don’t think so.


     I think that every time Ciera looks at Aiden she would be reminded of what happened and I don’t think I would want to put my daughter through that. Never mind that he admitted he worked for the DiMera’s so how can she herself trust him again? I want to see Bo come in another dream on a crash of thunder and bolt of lightning and see if he can’t scare some sense into her.


     but now he’s doing it through Kate, and later Andre.  I hope she wises up soon; otherwise, she may just deserve what she gets for believing he’s completely devoid of any wrong-doing.  He’s a snake!


     I liked Aidn with Hope. However, between the conning of her and the rape of her daughter, I feel that TPTB have ruined their relationship.

    I wish thayt they never brought him back!!


     until this show ruined him.  Now, I just want him gone…again!

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