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    Does anyone know how long Kayla is staying for?  Is she staying short term or long?  And where is Joe?




     but I have a feeling that’s not going to happen.  I think she might be staying awhile, if only to get to the bottom of the paternity switch mess.  With Caroline telling her today that she switched the results, which I don’t believe for a minute, cause I think she was just trying to protect Carly for Bo’s sake, and why I’ll never understand, I think Kayla just might change her mind about taking off.  And, yes, where is Joe?  Didn’t she claim she brought him with her, but Steve couldn’t make it?  Another child dropped off with God knows who.


    so I missed about 3/4’s of the show…good thing I had the forsight to get SoapNet three weeks ago – So Caroline admitted that she did the DNA switch?  Good call on who ever mentioned that a couple of weeks ago.  Did they say how Caroline got the education/knowledge to do a DNA switch?  Has she been taking classes on line instead of cooking clam chowder all this time in the kitchen?  ;)


     a reasonable explanation would be asking too much, now wouldn’t it?


    What could possibly be Caroline’s motivation for this?  How absurd.  The only tie I can see here is Stephanie.  As far as I know Steph never even told her what she knows and even if she did, wouldn’t Caroline see what a horrible thing that would be to do?  Could she have done it because of the whole Phillip/Pocket thing?  Maybe she doesn’t want Phillip to have another kid after putting Kayla through that?  There doesn’t seem to be a Horton connection unless she is still jealous of Maggie and Victor and just wants to make sure Nathan doesn’t get Melanie?  Does it have to do with Chloe and her past with Brady?  There really isn’t any good reason for her to be involved in this.


    I can’t fathom any rhyme or reason for Caroline doing the switch.  Unless all us fans that were clamoring (as I was) to see more of Caroline in a story line instead of stuck in the kitchen at the Pub, and the writer’s decided to "shut us all up" by having Caroline do the switch…like I said…can’t figure this one out at all…


    I was on the couch battling bronchitis and having a hard time staying awake so I don’t remember her saying anything.  Was I alseep when she did?


    I’m thinking Caroline only said she did to get Kayla to butt out of Bo’s life.   Even though we know he’s making a mistake with Carly, Caroline might feel if he’s happy that’s all that matters and Kayla has no business swooping into town and destroying that by saying anything to Bo when it’s really none of his business either. 


    Maybe Caroline’s intentions with the switch have to do with Victor, and the possiblitiy of another Kiriakis (sp?) running around.




    I doubt Caroline says she did it to keep Kayla from messing up Bo and Carly’s relationship (besides, I think Caroline would prefer her son with Hope). If any of you looked closely at Caroline, when Kayla stated that she believed Carly had switched the paternity, she had the weirdest/strange/guilty/nervous look on her face. It was as if she didn’t want Kayla investigating any further on Carly, because she was afraid she’d find out it was her all along (that’s why she kept telling her to leave it alone, etc)…But in the end (as is what we’re gonna see on today’s -Monday-show), she realizes that if she doesn’t go ahead and just tell Kayla that it was her who did it, she would find out anyway…and maybe in the process, she (Caroline) would run the risk of getting in trouble. Think about it: by telling Kayla in private, instead of Kayla confronting Carly in front of the masses with the accusation – – causing Carly (and or anybody else who’s around when they hear Kayla’s accusation) to find the "proof" that she didn’t do it- eliminates the chance of Caroline getting in trouble, because we all know Kayla wouldn’t tell on her own mom. Furthermore, by Caroline telling her now, it also lessens the chance of Dan finding out that it isn’t his baby (which will then cause him to realize that Chloe cheated on him, etc, etc).


    sorry if it sounds confusing…


     she did it for more than one reason.  First, and foremost, she did it to spite Victor because of her jealousy of him marring Vivian.  Also, she regrets telling Victor the truth about him being Bo’s bio-dad, plus she doesn’t think the Kiriakases are a good group people.  Philip certainly in the past hasn’t been, so Caroline doesn’t think much of him.  Kayla and Steve were willing to adopt Pocket, but Philip agreed to give the baby away to strangers instead, so she has no respect for him as a father.  Finally, she did it to secure Stephanie’s future.  She felt so pressured by Stephanie, who never let up about losing Nathan, that she thought she would ‘take care of everything by clearing the way for Stephanie and keep Melanie out of the circle.’  Also, she has no intention of coming clean, and neither will Stephanie when she finds out about it, even though she promises Kayla that she will make it right.  They (Carolina and Stephanie) are both willing and determined to do whatever it takes to keep the true paternity of Chloe’s baby a secret.   (This is an excerpt from the November 9th issue of SOD)


    Great stuff! Thanks for the info, Patti! 


     I don’t know how much more of this insanity  I can stand from your mother, your daughter, your intended son-in-law (which will never be Nathan Horton), and most of all the pathetic puppy-dog looks Nathan and Melanie give each other every time they enter the same room.  Why didn’t you just speak up and straighten this whole mess out once and for all.  Now we have to wait until, what, December, and even then it could possible drag on until February.  I thought these storylines were supposed to move faster, Corday?  I’m sure your parents are looking down saying and praying:  NBC, save our show….fire our son and these writers.  Ugghh!

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