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  • in reply to: Confused about Bobby/Everett #61309

    WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everett existed before Bobby came out to attack Eric. Everett existed in Seattle to have a relationship with Stephanie. Remember, it was established after Everett woke up from his comatose state, he was Bobby & physically & verbally assaulted Jada, it was Bobby that married Jada. Remember, Everett was Everett when he first came to Salem, even Chad relished in Everett’s back stories that he had covered in Seattle way before Bobby came out, right?

    in reply to: Carlivatti Leaving #61307

    I think that the gay stories are going to stay & that the Greene family is coming back, & so is Kerry, the one that Leo stopped having relations with, he wants what Sonny has with Will. He wants Kerry to be his Will Horton. The reason I can see the gay stories are going to stay is because of the vile & bile & the garbage that Diana was playing out when Leo went to see her prison. Think about that. Wouldn’t you think that there will be vast backlash in having Diana’s vile & bile to destroy Leo all because they threw away Carlivati. I don’t believe that Carlivati is to blame for what the female actresses faced from Alarr. Carlavati didn’t hire Alarr, did he? Zuker’s lawsuit didn’t involve Carlivati, now did it? So I do think that the Greene family will come back in because when Holly put it out there that she will not leave Salem under any means necessary would allow Sophia, the one that got Holly the summer job at the Bistro is going to learn that Nicole plans to take Holly to Paris, therefore, busting Holly & Tate, so she can get rid of Holly in a heartbeat, by letting Nicole to know of Holly & Tate’s plans that had Aaron to go to that Lacrosse camp in Tate’s place, right? SO therefore, bringing Aaron back in & face the repercussions for when he tells his doctor/brother to know of the con. Kerry comes back in because he wants to know why Leo is hesitant in sleeping with him. It would play the triangle that Paul, Sonny & Will was apart of & have Sonny in the middle of, given the CEO position opening up, Abby’s casket being empty, the time capsule, & the other reason as to why Sonny K is staying is because it would have him to learn of Leo’s therapy, him learning about Kerry, helping Leo & being there for him & that brings Will back because of Jack getting the Spectator back, Xander leaving the Spectator, opening up a position for Will. It would also allow Will to find about Sonny’s involvement with Leo, once again, you see what I mean about the stories that Sonny has to be apart of.

    in reply to: Confused about Bobby/Everett #61305

    I think as to why Everett has Bobby’s memories is because he’s the gatekeeper, he knew all along what Bobby went through. He’s the one that knew of the abuse & kept it quiet, because he wanted to protect Bobby. Now that Bobby now knows, then Everett will never come out because with Marlena knowing what Bobby went through, she will help Bobby to deal with everything & help him integrate Bobby & Everett together. What I question is that with Jada & Stephanie now knowing that Bobby is faking being Everett, then that means what Bobby related to Marlena, she’s unaware that the whole story is false, that she allowed herself to fall for Bobby’s bullshit story of the abuse, so when she thinks that she integrated Bobby & Everett, she has no clue that she was conned. So I hope that Jada & Stephanie sees Connie, when she slinks away, Jada tells Marlena & Stephanie goes running to her mother,& prevents Connie from getting to Rafe. Marlena would have to let Gabi to know of Connie once she hears what Jada has to say, because Gabi’s daughter is Marlena’s great-granddaughter.


    What I loved the most was when Leo had seen Sonny, & he brought up ” Trouble in Paradise” when he saw that Will was a no show. Sonny should have brought up ” With Allie & her boyfriend raising Henry with each other & me being here, would allow Will to get help from Lucas when it comes to our daughter” to put Leo in his place, instead of having Leo seeing Paul being there & getting kissed by Andrew in front of Leo & Sonny. The reason is because, Andy & Paul’s relationship means nothing to Leo, with it meaning nothing to Leo, was it necessary? Because Paul needed Sonny’s okay to let Andy know what Leo did to Sonny, right?

    in reply to: Stories Moving Along #61285

    but what about the perception & that he knew where the child came from, yes, granted, he didn’t know that it came from Nicole, but still, no one put a gun to his head to sign the papers pertaining to adopting a child he had no clue as to where it came from, now did he? then when he was told where it came from, he still went forward to adopting a child with a dubious history of where it came from?

    in reply to: Stories Moving Along #61282

    but did Eric know that Jude was his when he adopted the child. I’m talking about the perception angle to play up the conspiracy because, Sloan & Trask arranged for Eric to sign those adoption papers & he was willing & did sign them right? Then with EJ slammed for how long he knew, he’s in the position to pull the immunity deal & have Trask go down for what she had done & she will take Eric down with her, because she & Sloan allowed him to sign the papers, playing up that he was apart of the conspiracy of kidnapping, because the child was kidnapped by Sloan & Trask before the adoption papers were signed by anyone, right?, the only way for Eric to keep this child is if the results that Stefan had seen are bona fide & that Nicole has Justin to write up adoption papers that can override the ones that Sloan & Trask had gotten, right? If this is not in play at all, is Nicole in any position for Eric to keep custody after she leaves this soap? I really hope that when Nicole does leave, she better take Holly with her, the reason is because if she doesn’t, with her not trusting her daughter is highly questionable to allow Holly to stay in Salem, right?

    in reply to: Stories Moving Along #61280

    but it was an illegal adoption of the child & that Eric allowed it, because he bought the fake adoption story & agreed to sign the papers for he & Sloan to legally adopt the child. Once the papers are shown, showing that he willingly signed them, to any soap-judge, once he & or she sees that he willing signed them, shows to this judge that the both of had gotten him to be apart of the conspiracy, see my point now. Like this for instance, Gabi brought up the whole thing & let Nicole to know how long EJ knew, why does that matter, remember, Stefan was willing to take it to his grave, & what did he do, he told his wife all about it, showing to EJ that Stefan was involved with the conspiracy because he ended up telling his wife all about it on his family couch & you tell me how conspiracy doesn’t pertain to Eric & or Stefan.

    in reply to: Stories Moving Along #61278

    You find me any judge in soap-land would allow ignorance of the law, to a judge, all he’s going to hear is that Sloan made sure that Trask went through with the illegal adoption of the said child to be illegally adopted by Eric & Sloan. To any judge in soap=land all he would care about is perception & once he learns that Eric was in the middle of it, would it matter that he unknowingly went through with it? EJ would face nothing, the reason is because it was Nicole who gave him the results to lock up. Yes, granted that he did have a paternity test done & that it did show that Eric is the father, but knowing Stefan, he pulled a fast one, he doctored that test that EJ had done, because he would do anything & I mean anything to make EJ pay through the nose, i.e. doctoring the results to vilify EJ, right?

    in reply to: Stories Moving Along #61275

    The only thing I don’t get is this: Didn’t Sloan tell EJ where she put Eric’s name. Then some way some how Nicole ended getting the results to have EJ to lock it up in the safe, then having Stefan to end up learning of the results & using them to get Gabi released, who then exposes it to the whole town, then having Nicole to tell Eric that he is a daddy. Don’t you think that this is odd with how it all adds up, it allows the viewers waiting to see if the other shoe is going to fall or not, meaning that results may have been falsified & that Eric can’t get custody, given the had & Sloan illegally adopted this child, i.e. Jude. With Nicole exposing this to Eric, & if & when it comes out that Eric had unknowingly illegally adopted Jude with Sloan, he gets shafted again, i.e. no child at all because the illegal adoption that Trask had put into motion?

    in reply to: Leo Stark-Mark Greene ( AKA StarkRene) New WilSon #61261

    I will give you that, but what you are bringing up is giving the illusion that what matters is who raised who & not who carried who, no matter what dubious ways that occurred for that to happen. Look at Alex Kiriakis, I’m not talking about what’s going on now, what matters is that it was Justin that got Anjelica pregnant, without putting who where & or in who, would he have been raised by Adrienne? Just like here. I’m not defending Kristen’s actions, what she did was extremely abhorrent, but if Brady hadn’t gotten Theresa pregnant, would Kristen have given birth to Tate. That’s what I’m getting at. & again, with where Holly had bought what where, why on Earth would her school allow her to attend the prom & as well as Tate: His actions would also have the school to ban Tate from the prom, because it made the school libel, yes, granted where the overdose took place was behind The Bistro, but the narcotics were bought on school grounds. I get that Tate panicked, he was horrified into a frozen state, he cared about Holly, so he willfully took it open himself, & that’s what led Holly to allow him to go down for it. All I’m getting at is that, he, should have put his coat on her & used his body heat to keep her warm & tended to her, had made an anonymous call for help & stayed with her, but did that happen, no, he acted like a scared rabbit, frozen in fear, & allowed himself to take the wrap for it, by footing what caused the overdose. The reason as to why I want to see gay romance, is because of how long we haven’t seen any of it, because they threw away HortRiakis & threw away DemitReo, by getting rid of who Leo considered to be the Clyde Barrow Horton to his Bonnie Barrow Kiriakis, if you know what I mean, Then when we get wind of a new love interest for Leo, & that a huge storyline involving Leo & the new doctor showing up, look what they did, they nixed it altogether by having the new doctor to make it known that he’s straight. That’s what I’m getting at. With what we are seeing now, are we seeing any romance of any kind, meaning, that doesn’t pertain to male/female?

    in reply to: Leo Stark-Mark Greene ( AKA StarkRene) New WilSon #61256

    Yes, Tate has eyes for Holly. But, that doesn’t mean that Aaron doesn’t have eyes for Tate, now does it? The question that I have is that Tate is still a DiMera, no matter as to who raised him, because it was Kristen that gave birth to Tate, right & that Holly is EJ’s stepdaughter, doesn’t that mean that Holly & Tate are half-cousins, given that her half-aunt gave birth to Tate. yes, granted that Holly once had the hots for Johnny & when her mother married EJ, she abandoned her hots for Johnny, right, so I can’t see her having the hots for Tate, given the bad history that she & Tate both have with each other. Think about that. Then what makes anyone think that the school would even allow Holly to go to the prom, given as to where Holly had bought the narcotics & with EJ believing that Tate sold the narcotics to Holly, what makes you think that the school would allow Tate to go to the prom, given that what he covered up for Holly is what had her buy where.

    in reply to: Leo Stark-Mark Greene ( AKA StarkRene) New WilSon #61251

    with hearing that Leo is going to get a love interest & that he is going to have a big storyline coming up & if it’s a question if it could be that Leo & Mark Greene turn out to be a couple, is there any news of having Aaron & Tate being a couple, remember, even Brady was with Tate’s mommy when Sonny K was marrying Will, right & look at who’s Brady’s son is, i.e. Tate & that even Ray Charles & Helen Keller can see as to how Aaron feels about Tate, right?

    in reply to: Curiosity #61244

    I’m talking perception wise. It doesn’t matter if Al Calderon is a grown man, as long he has a 6-month-year-old face, it shows the perception that Leo’s newest paramour has the face of Nicole’s 6-month-old boy. That’s what I’m getting at?

    in reply to: Horton House #61243

    I get that other narratives that are of central focus. I get that they need to be shown, but still, the other narrative are in action & the central focus, they wouldn’t be seen without the show, so with Alice & Tom & their home started it all, shouldn’t 10-15-20-25 people that are tied to Alice & Tom in more ways than one should have been there to see the nearly refurbished Alice & Tom’s home?

    in reply to: Horton House #61240

    I get the other narratives that are of central focus. I get that they need to be shown. But still, the other narratives that are in action & the central focus, they wouldn’t be seen without the show, so with Alice & Tom & their home started it all, shouldn’t 10-15-20-25 people who are tied to Alice & Tom in more ways than one should have been there to see the newly refurbished Alice & Tom’s home.

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