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    I thought that rumor had it that  Dr. Dan would turn out to be Maggie’s child; if that is the case,  they must think we are really dumb to accept that he was the product of Maggie’s egg stolen only twenty years ago. I think it sounds like Mel would be the daughter since they have said all along that Maggie and Mel feel as close as family. But how does this new story  reconcile with the story of a one-nighter that produced Mel?


     but it had to be more than 20 years ago when Maggie first tried artificial insemination.



    I don’t know why Bo would talk to the clinic doctor about Alice finding out twenty years ago about the baby. He talked about the crime twenty years ago. Does anyone else recall today’s conversation?


    the crime occurred "a couple of decades ago" at the clinic. That means, I believe, twenty years. Maybe he misspoke, or maybe in Salem a couple of decades translates to forty years.


    It’s not unusual for the writers to mess with everyones age.  They didn’t age Will for years, while some younger kids were suddenly older than him.  I can’t believe they finally let him graduate from high school.  I have even seen them make the character younger when they return to the show. 


    but the eggs were harvested in the clinic many years before that time.  20 years ago they were stolen, but that doesn’t mean that’s when Maggie had the original procedure; it’s just the time when the eggs were stolen (by Victor, I presume) and given to Daniel’s parents to fertilize, resulting in Daniel Jonas.


    if the crime was committed 20 years ago, that means the egg was implanted 20 years ago so are they saying Daniel is 20 years old?


     the parents: Kate having a son Philip’s age makes way more sense than Sami having one that old, then Stefano having a kid 2 years younger than Will would make no sense so we get EJ now as old as Sami, Abby at one point was older and then regressed, Brady and Abby should be the same age but one is in around late 30s (maybe 40 if you go by the actor’s age) and the other is a beginner in college.  Sami was born in 1984 and Brady was born in 1992 which would make Sami older than both Brady and EJ.  I have a hard time with the character of Brady being as old as he is since with Carrie/Sami on the show now, it just doesn’t make sense.  I remember John/Marlena getting re-married and Brady and Belle walked down the aisle as ringbearer and flower girl (they were about 4 years old at the time) and J/M went on their honeymoon leaving Sami to watch over the kids and when they returned Brady was around 18 and Belle was 16.  Philip, Belle, Shawn, Chloe were all in high school together but Will was still a little  kid.  It was weird! 


    has be younger everytime he came back on the show.  He never seems to age.


    editted– sorry, realized this contained a spoiler, so I am deleting part of the comment.


    However, I do want to say it is possible we are being led astray along with the characters, in that the stolen eggs may not have any relation to the 20 years of monetary payments Alice made.


    If they were fertilized by Mickey they wouldn’t be eggs any more, they’d be embryo’s.  Also, Mickey was sterile so not quite sure how they could have their "own" baby.   Maggie did say the procedure they were going to do was experimental and in vetro hasn’t been experimental for over 20 years and was first done successfully in 1978 which is when Louise Brown was born.  It was introduced in the U.S in 1981 so I’m thinking this had to have happened before then for it to have been considered experimental. 


    If the eggs were harvested forty years ago, then implanted twenty years ago – Mel is the only person that age I know who would be the right age. But I suspect they got their years mixed up and Mel is Maggie’s granddaughter. I cannot imagine the bizarro world where Dr. Dan would pass for twenty years old.


    one day I was watching the show and Mike Horton was a toddler and the very next day he came running into the kitchen as a pre-teen.  It was almost like when AMC changed Babe’s in the middle of a hug!


    do embryo transplants 45 years ago?  On July 25, 1978, Louise Joy Brown, the world’s first successful test tube baby was born.  The technology that made her conception possible was in early stages then, so Dr. Dan wouldn’t pass for 33 either with me. 


    and Mel is twenty, then he was at that medical conference with Carly when he was only 13!  I know he’s is supposed to be smart, since he is a specialest in all fields, but this would be too out there. The writers always forget that the viewers remember their show’s history. 

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