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    So is it me….or does anyone else NOT CARE about Kate and what’s-her name’s past?  The pictures, the past, the forced drama….all of this "fluff" in the middle of the death of Alice Horton is killing me.  Kate isn’t a favorite character of mine to start with, and now the writers are creating another horrible thing in her past—besides being a prostitute!  Are they really expecting us to care? be interested? Finding out the secret past of those two is NOT a reason for me to watch? What the heck are they thinking? It is just filler and not very well written filler at that!



    Who  cares about the on and off and on and off, etc wedding of Chloe and Daniet rght now or Adriana in jail, etc


     Chad as they seem to be trying to make him a new ‘important’ character along with Melanie.  Look how many times they changed her character’s history!  


    There is no way anyone could ever become a judge with prostitution in their past.  Everyone is so thoroughly vetted that something like that would be absolutely certain to come out.  You’ve got to be squeaky clean to be either appointed or elected a judge.

    But, again I say, that tape was just a means to bring out whatever is in that envelope and my best guess is that it has to do with Chad’s parentage.  And the obvious?  Stephano is the daddy!  Actually, I’d like it better if it turned out to be EJ but I don’t think the ages would permit that.  Not that that ever stopped them before.


     that was killed?  


    tall, similar builds and coloring. I’m betting they’re bros.


    about the story lines for Stephanie, Chole, or Madaline (or her hubby)…Fast Forward (with capitals) through it all! 


    Could care less about/I’d rather watch paint dry SLs: Kate/Madeline; Rafe/Sami (not that I’m tired of Sami; it’s just that I’d rather just see her with EJ instead of boring Rafe); Dan/Carly/Chloe (although I like this character!); Stephanie and what’s-his-name. ALL ARE SNOOZERS AT THIS POINT!


    the entire s/l of Chloe & Daniel & Carly. Seems like its been going on forever. I no longer care what happens. I love Kate, her acting is great, love how she is so sarcastic and her and Stepheno are the perfect pair. (they truly deserve each other) JMO


    the "teen" story line.  I do believe it will soon be time for Will, Chad and the gang to be activated for a couple of months.  Possibly more ff’ing to be done!


    what she’s done to her kids over the years, but I like watching her – hair, fashion and all…and it was a shocker to me that Sami and Kate had a civil word together.   I think Kate and Stefano are a match made in "not heaven" but it works for them…


    will be melting from pressing it with the teens coming on…that and the Chloe/Dan/Carly etc., story.


    I really loved the scene between Kate and Sammi.  They finally were able to be civil over their mutual love of the kids.  I’m sure it won’t last but it was nice to see for a second.


    Same here.  I especially loved puzzled look on Sami’s face when Kate was being nice and civil, asking how the service was and inquiring about Lucas and Will. 


    how dullsville Days is right now. I could care less about Arianna’s frameup, Nicole’s involvement (which was pointless to begin with), Kate and Madeline’s secret. Madeline is a vacant character who does not draw me in. Days needs a shot of adrenaline right now.

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