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    I was reading spoilers on dayscafe. Things between Jen and Kayla get heated?? HUH?? What in the world would these 2 be arguing about?

    Abe confides in Kayla and Kayla confides inane about her marriage to steve going south after he joined the ISA, so I guess that’s the real reason she’s here.

    AND Gabby’s stalker has a plan to lock Mel in the basement! PLEASE don’t let that be her exit story!


     This is almost as silly as Jack and Jenn’s son being on his own or are they all claiming their kids are in boarding school??? Even for holidays?



     We are still seeing some of the left over ideas from the old writers. Nothing has been thought through very well. Looks like they’re already trying to pair Kayla and Abe. If Kayla’s marriage is not going well, why doesn’t she go get a job at the hospital? As much as she went through to have that baby, I’m not getting the separation from him, same with Jennifer. Children are just conveniences on this show. They are paraded out when necessary and then mysteriously disappear into the atmosphere.

    As for Gabi and Mel, please don’t let that be how Melanie’s story ends. How horrible. I’d rather her finally go off to a real nursing school and become a nurse practitioner like she had planned months ago. 


    Kayla could get sick then her and Dr. Dan could become and item.  I’m wondering if they’re waiting for Lexi to die and she’ll be asked to take over as Chief of Staff.

    Wondering if Chad will run to help Gaby too many times and Mel gets fed up and decides to go visit her mom and Nicholas.



     "Children are just conveniences on this show. They are paraded out when necessary and then mysteriously disappear into the atmosphere…." then add "only to reappear either rapidly aged or deaged depending on the writers’ mood!"


    I really don’t have a problem with the way they handle the kids on this show.  They have several of them who are not the greatest actors (let’s face it, as good as Johnny is, he’s not up to par with a movie actor), it’s gotta be very hard to write them in, as well as pay them, when they are not actually involved in a story line.  Also, those actors don’t do much in the way of rehearsals but the kids need a lot which would be very time consuming and counter-productive for the adult actors to have to go through.

    In fact, I think they do a pretty good job in accounting for them.  At least they don’t just ignore them at all like they’ve done with so many characters that are no longer on the show.  Coming to mind are Eric and Jack Jr. among many others.

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