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    With Nicole peaking through the window at the very end of today’s show – you can just see her taking Sydney through the back door with EJ and Sami in the foyer – inquiring minds want to know: where are Stephano’s and EJ’s loyal goons that guard the place and can’t they afford a burglar alarm system?  I can’t see Nicole pleading a second time to insanity (not that she’s plead once yet), when she once again kidnaps Sydney.  Leave the Nicole wants the baby story alone – let Sami and EJ fight over custody – and go on to something else already – it’s been a year almost!


    As I was watching this, I kept wondering don’t they have any security?  Motion lights or guards?  


    Ha – yes1  Even in my little hovel I have a alarm system – you’d think Stephy’s home would be a fortress!


    Well how many times was John able to just wander on in? I think security might have been cut back because of the recession.


    E.J. knows that Nicole was always paranoid about someone coming in through those doors and snatching up Sydney, there are no guards on the premises any longer, and Stefano has been busted, so to speak, and must now admit that he knows that Sydney is his biological granddaughter; HOWEVER, he (E.J.) allows Sydney to remain asleep in her playpen, and takes Sami out of the room for further discussions.  Then, ‘waddayaknow’ Nicole is there, looking through the same windows, acting out the same kidnapping plan she was so gravely afraid of happening to her.  Beats the hell out of me why they even had to go there.  It would have been a much more interesting storyline for me if they had simply continued the drama between Sami, Rafe amd E.J., as well as between E.J. and Stefano, and left the baby thief, Nicole, in jail.  Now, and most unfortunately for me, we’ll have to watch them chase Nicole and Sydney up and down and all around, while she changes her appearance, plays ‘hide the baby,’ and makes up even more lies, but now to her family.  I’m sorry, and I do love Ari Z., but Nicole Walker continues to be a royal pain in my a$$.


    People wander in and out of the front door too.  How many times has someone just suddenly shown up in the living room (I think that’s what it is, it’s hard to tell when you have so many rooms).  They only have security when the plot calls for it.

    Patti,take heart, you will soon be rid of Nicole when she goes on maternity leave so you only have to endure her a little while longer.  Has anybody heard when she will be leaving?  My only fear is that she won’t come back.  That post the other day with the hours she has appeared kind of scares me.  That’s what Eileen Davidson did and she got burned out and left the show.  I sure hope that doesn’t happen to Ari.

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