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     I can’t even remember who the father actually was.  EJ?  I know Rafe claimed it, but I don’t remember how Nicole ended up in EJ’s bed in the first place.  She said it was a couple of months ago.  Has it only been a couple months?  If my memory is bad, Sami’s is worse. I really can’t stand her character.  She acts like she’s Miss Goody-Goody and wreaks havoc on anyone she cares to.  Poor Nicole has really been taking a beating lately, first Chloe, then Sami.  

    I so wish Jen would grow a backbone.  This is really getting wearisome. And I only watch occasionally.  I can’t even stand to read Day’s Cafe.  Rinse, repeat, rinse repeat.  Is that just the nature of a daytime soap because they have to come up with a story every day?  Evening "soaps", like Grimm, Once Upon a Time, are never this bad.



    they do have to come up with a show every day where the primetime shows only have one per week and now days, not even many weeks. 


    Nicole and EJ were together and he was going to propose when Rafe and Sami came in and spilled the beans about Sami and EJ’s grief sex when they thought Johnny was dead.  Nicole left EJ and then found out she was pregnant so Rafe who was separated from Sami at the time stepped in and said the baby was his. 

    It has been a few months since Nicole lost the baby but the way she’s moved on as well as Dan and Jennifer have gotten together it seems much longer than a couple of months.  I mean, it was before Christmas wasn’t it?

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