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    I haven’t seen all of every show so I don’t know if this were explained. But what could happen to Will if he confessed or otherwise it came out that he shot EJ? First off, could he be tried? Second, what about the age: wasn’t Will a minor at the time? And wouldn’t EJ have some say and at this point obviously considering Sami, let it go?
    I’m just wondering why everyone is running so scared. I have to believe Lucas might be the one most affected, having taken the rap.


    If it can be proven that he shot EJ it wouldn’t matter what EJ had to say about it.


     Although, they tried to poopoo that away. My husband is an attorney and said the whole story is stupid.


     to know this whole thing is stupid.  There are just so many things wrong I can’t begin to name them.  But, where would the drama be without all this crap.

    I happened to catch a little of GH the other day and thought to myself, OMG, is Days this hokey too!  I mean the acting was absolutely laughable.  It made me wonder if I am watching something equally as atrocious and ridiculous.


    I think the key is your word—"proven"………………where is the proof.  That recording Nick made would never be admitted in court.

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