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  • #1651

     Well DOOL is not so sci fi after all. Saw this article about an invitro fertilization mixup.nnYes it can ahppen in real life too.

     sorry you might have to copy and paste.



    At least they had three other kids and gave them the baby at birth.  A friend of mine wasn’t so lucky.

    I mentioned this before about a friend of mine.  Her 50-year old daughter had never married and had had ovarian cancer and couldn’t conceive a child.  She desperately wanted a baby so went to a fertility clinic and got a donor egg and sperm and had a little boy.  Four years later she got a call from the clinic saying they had given her the wrong embryo and the couple wanted their child back.  FOUR YEAR LATER! 

    They have been battling this in court now for five years.  The couple won equal custody and the boy hates going to spend time with them.  He is afraid of the father and gets physically ill when he has to go.  The unfortunate part is the judge demands it and has NEVER even talked to the boy to see how he feels. 

    The law suit settlement she got from suing the clinic is gone from paying legal bills and she’s now got her house for sale  because she is so deeply in debt.  She lost her job because of all the time she had to spend in court and (she’s an architech) it’s not easy getting another one at 55.  So I’m well aware it can happen.  Google Susan Buchweitz if you want to read the entire story.  She was on Good Morning America and The Today Show at the time.


    have been following the story since before she gave birth.  They are an exceptional couple to be handling this as they have. 

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