Home Forums The Brady Pub DWTS Monday, 11/21

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     Anybody who lives in the Boston area who watches DWTS will not be able to watch it at its usual time tonight because the Patriots football game is tonight.  So instead, they will show Dancing at 1:35 am so I am setting my DVR from 1:35-4:30 ish in case the game goes into overtime.  Since its the New England Patriots, I am assuming that this is the case for all of New England.   Of all nights, the game is interrupting the finals!  But at least tomorrow night is a two-hour event.  I feel bad for the people (especially some elderly folks) who don’t have a recorder or computer so they won’t be able to see DWTS at all. 


    Are you kidding me?  Don’t tell me they are going to pre-empt one of the highest rated shows on TV for a football game?  I can’t believe that. 

    Glad it’s not here (even for the Fins) because I’d probably be camped out on the station’s doorstep with an axe in my hand.


     You are too funny!  When I first heard about this last week, I was pretty mad.  I bet channel 5 is going to be flooded with angry e-mails and calls today/tonight.  I can’t believe this would be allowed to happen with the scheduling.  I could POSSIBLY see this happening if Dancing was in the beginning or middle of its season (but even then it’s not cool) but it’s the finale!  As if football isn’t on enough during the weekends!  Between college and pro-football, it dominates the main stations on the weekends.  They should show this game on ESPN where it belongs.


     all the rest of Massachusetts is! :-P

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