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     is a scary guy, IMO.  Seems his revenge on Victor will not stop him from allowing anyone to get in his way, including Philip.  I did like the backstory of how Deimos was blackmailing Philip.  Seems a party girl od’d in his room and he had a friend help him move the body to another room.  What I like about it is that Belle suggested getting her father, John Black, involved, and I sort of hope that will happen, because I think Deimos is connected to more than just Victor Kiriakis.  This character may just be opening that kind of umbrella sl I really like; one that involves more than just the beginning characters in the story.  Philip may be his pawn right now, but John will know what to do.  Victor may have just met his match.  At least I hope that’s where they’re heading.  I really like Vincent Irizarry in the villain you love to hate role, although he is somehat typecast, since he played the very same kind of role on AMC and Y&R when I was watching those shows, so he’s really knows his way around the role.  Plus, I think he’s handsome in a devilish sort of way.  Too bad if he hooks up with Kate though.  I’m betting the woman just will not be able to resist him, and who better to give her reason to return to the dark side than Deimos Kiriakis?


    will we ever see a SL involving Black Patch?


     with the upcoming umbrella storyline that I’m pretty sure we are going to see with the insertion of the character, Deimos.  I think somehow the sl between Steve/Ava will be connected with John’s search for his parentage, also linking the Deimos backstory.  I think that’s why I believe we will soon be seeing the old Russian spy, Petrov.  I read there will be more character returns from the past, and Petrov was involved in both John’s and Steve’s lives.  I don’t know if I’m giong to like it, but I do think this is where Steve and John may come together in their searches for the truth.  Just hope it’s not as boring as the DiMeras have become.

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