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    Are you back from your vacation to africa??? How was it?? hope you had an awesome time! looking forward to hear about it!


    I am so looking forward to hearing just how great your trip was, I saw that you replied to Patties Welcome back, but I thought you would have replyed with some details …. smile. Welcome Home Bonbon..  


    after spending 42 hours trying to get here (all without sleep).  Just one thing after another kept delaying things from engine repair to a missed flight to lost luggage.  The plane trip from Johannesburg to D.C. alone was 19 hours!!!  And in little narrow seats.  UGH!

    But the trip was the best ever.  We saw (up close and personal) elephants, hippos, black and white rhinos, giraffes, zebras, cape buffalo, blue and black wildebeests, lions, one leopard, crocs, ostrich, about 15 different kinds of antelope, wart hogs, monkeys, beautiful birds galore, and had three incredibly delicious meals every single day (including antelope shish-ka-bobs and wildebeest steaks), swam in the Indian Ocean (nice and warm), froze my poor Florida butt off in the mountains, saw some of the most amazing scenery in my life EVER, got a few pretty good pictures, and lived to tell about it.  :o)

    There is a pretty interesting website about our host (Joe) and his son (Zen) when Joe was attacked by a Cape Buffalo while on a shooting safari and Zen had to save him with nothing but a knife.  It’s at:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQnZyeukczI  (You can also see how big his reserve is as it begins at the top of the mountains in the background.)

    When I figure out where I’m going to post my pictures I’ll let you know.

    Now I’m going back to bed (it’s almost 11:00 pm in South Africa), it’s going to take me a couple of days to catch up on sleep.


    my dream trip. Welcome back.


    DO IT!

    You know, it’s nice to take pictures but they just aren’t the same as being there and seeing it in person.  It is just such an enormous experience.  (Especially when we got charged by a young bull elephant.  THAT was VERY exciting!!!)


    Awesome bonbon! sounds amazing! glad you had a great time!

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