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    Me too Patti!  I loved that last guy!  I was so socked that he actually turned out to be good!  Never thought that would happen!  he was awsome! They did put a few through that shouldnt have gone through, i think it was more Steven and Randy’s "liking" the female contestants that got them through, like last night,  that one little girl,  blonde, she was good I thought a hell of a lot better than some they put through, yet they were on the fence about letting her go on.  they made her sing another song and won them over.  i think i’m going to have a lot of favorites this season!  


     before I finally realized it was a set-up to show us some of the whack jobs we thought were being left out this year.  The entire show was probably planned that way, but it sure did tick me off when I realized that I gave up watching AMC on SoapNet for that hour.  The two brothers were by far the best for me.  Their attempt at comedy didn’t impress me, but at least they could sing.  Unlike the last dude who looked more like a combination of a really bad James Brown impressionist, and Bozo the clown.  Hope this poor guy really was putting on an act; if not, he’s in big trouble.  Thank goodness we’re finally getting to the first Hollywood round.


    Me too Patti, I was so disappointed last night.  It sucked.  and I agree with the 2 brothers,  they were my favorite.  i thought they were adorable.   and what about that dumb belly dancer?  She was just an ok singer, but yet Steven and Randy let her fly by.  pathetic.  she’s just like Bikini girl, she wont make it past hollywood.  I hope. I hated bikini girl. they just didnt have many good ones on last night. i thought i saw one more audition and then hollywood.  or are they starting wednesday?  I hope so cause i’ve had enough auditions. 2 weeks is PLENTY. 


    Next Wednesday they’re going to San Francisco. Not sure about Thursday. 

    I am glad they cut back to 1 hour though as 2 hours was a bit long and boring. 


     and I agree with you, Nora, I was very surprised at Randy and Steven giving the belly dancer a pass.  However, it was easy to realize that the impression she made on them was purely physical.  She wasn’t too bad in the singing competition, as most were last night, but certainly not anywhere near the talent we’ve seen in other cities.  Maybe they really just did not have enough good singers last night, I don’t know, but I expected most of last nights contestants to be stopped way before they were.  It looked like J-Lo was totally frustrated, even though she tried to grin and bear it.  I thought the Latino gal was good, but way too confident to believe she would be good enough to enforce her dream of becoming the first Latino AI, IMO.  Whew, one more week of this, then the show really begins for me.


    and disappointment. If someone had just caught their first AI show yesterday they wouldn’t have stayed with it. Thankfully it was just an hour!


    yeah i forgot about the latino girl, she was one of my favorites too. 


     oh , there was another guy on last night,  he was from hollywood,  actually, my friend from NC new him.  he was the son of an ex-coworker or something.  anyway,  they never said if he got through to hollywood, i think he had a crush on jennifer.  they panned to her after steven and Randy said whether he went thru, but then went to commercial before they said if he was going to hollywood.  i forget his name.  he wasnt too bad a singer, one of the better ones from last night.  just wondered if any of you caught that.


    They didn’t show him getting the yes or now but they showed him coming out of the room with the yellow ticket.


    Thanks DeeLan!

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