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  • This topic has 13 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by SW.
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    How did Samantha and Rafe get to keep the keys.  How can they just go back and go in anytime they want to.  How did they know noone is living there,  You would think if they didn’t give the keys back they would have changed the locks and got new keys for the next person.  did they start renting the apartment after they left and it is theirs?  I’m glad it is working out for them, but the keys confuse me!! lol!!!


    I am so happy to get the Real Rafe back!  


    This is a SOAP OPERA…………..if you try to figure out things like this, you’ll go crazy.  This kind of stuff wouldn’t happen in real life.


    It is an FBI safe house which they probably own and keep all the time.  So currently, they have no one using it.  That’s the only thing I can think of.

    I am SOOOO looking forward to Real Rafe and Rafe2 to come face to face.  That is going to be AWSOME to the tenth power.


     in that the apartment is owned by the police and used strictly as a safe-house when the need arises.  Still, it wouldn’t make sense for Sami and Rafe to have kept the keys.  What if someone else was using that place at the time she unlocked that door?  Could have had her head blown off, I would think.  What bothered me the most about that whole scene was when she heard a baby crying and the mother saying something like ‘don’t cry, mommy’s going to feed you now,’ or words to that effect, and then the camera pans down to Sami putting her hand on her stomach.  NO, THEY WOULDN’T DARE.  


    Oh Lordy they had better not knock this woman up again!!!!  With R2’s baby!  Holy puke!


    I find it odd that it’s an apartment. When Sami and Rafe were living there it seemed more like a cabin and the door led directly outside and I got the impression it was in a wooded area. 


    I don’t think that’s what that scene meant.  I think she was just having a memory of when she was there and pregnant.  At least I hope that’s all it is!


     sneak out and then caught her. Plus, that "locker room vented door" is the same as their apartment in Salem.  Guess the show can’t afford 2 doors, they have to use a locker and pretend!


     too!  She had a lot of memories of what had happened with Rafe there.


     (or at least the fronts of the lockers) that were used in the gym setting, where Sami and Rafe argued about her marrying E.J.  I remember because I thought when I first saw their new apartment, now why would they use the fronts of those lockers for a door to their apartment.  And who says DOOL can’t stay under budget.  Look how they can economize.  LOL.


    A cabin, not an apartment. And did you notice how much the hallway looked like the hallway of Sami and Rafe’s current apartment(just dirty, and new old door fronts)?


    but I didn’t think it was an apartment either. 

    But I think it’s kind of bogus that Roman would give out the address. even to his g.son.  From what I’ve heard, very few people know of these places and they don’t tell even family members.  I know nobody was there at the time but, still…


     Roman shouldn’t have even known where it was.  Oh well, as long as I get real Rafe back, I don’t care how it happens! lol

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