Home Forums The Annex Board This Isn’t the EJ That Any Knows

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    This EJ isn’t the EJ that anyone has any memory of. This EJ & what he knows about Clyde, can you really see that EJ is so willing to have Brady to bury his son by allowing Clyde to have access to Tate? Think about that. Then this, when Justin had seen the evidence against Tate, it was way too miniscule, why didn’t he take a photo of & show it to the people that revoked the bail that Tate had gotten, & give it to Everett to run on the front page of the Salem Spectator, to show that EJ wants Tate dead & doesn’t care at all as to would do it. This show has gone hill way tooooo fast, because they are allowing EJ to allow Tate’s death at Clyde’s hand when he knows that Clyde is behind the drugs flowing through the streets of Salem. Any Takers?


    can anyone erase this one?


    can anyone erase this one?


    You can hit edit and delete it all.

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