Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board This is what we are getting???

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    Quite honestly – if they wanted to fill up two weeks there were so many OTHER ways to do it. 

    We could have gotten a few days of Vintage HOPE as a way to say goodbye to KA.  We could have gotten a "Whodunit" story line and killed off Jan (a character we’d all like to see perish but not really miss at all… and I like Jan and i’m saying that.)  We could have had a few days of "what happened in London" via flashbacks w/Allie & Tripp. 

    I apprecaite Ron and company wanting the holidays to stay on track – but LAWD this week is boring and we have already seen these fools break out of prison.  Fast Fwd!!!  


    I still think we may be getting a murder mystery with her being killed off. She really hasn’t had much of a story, so I’m thinking bringing her back was simply to off her. We would have enough suspects–Phillip, Shawn, Belle, John, Xander. I think any of those characters could lose it on her and kill her.  

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