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    To me, I see it this way, I hope someone agrees: Here’s this: I think that the main reason as to why he wants Clyde to murder Tate is because, if he shocks everyone & drops the charges on Tate & getting him out of prison, Clyde would take him down, given that EJ knew where the drugs came from, & that EJ would rather have Brady to bury his son that have that happen, but I can’t see EJ doing that, because with no love lost between him & Stefan, he still tried to warn him about Megan, so I can’t see Elvis allowing Brady to bury his son to cover his ass, because with how EJ lost a child, so he thinks, I can’t see him wishing that on Brady, because then it would come out that EJ knew where Holly’s narcotics came from & kept it quiet, you tell me as to why he would want that to come out, so wouldn’t you think he would get Tate out of prison & then have it come out that Nicole’s baby, she thinks is dead is in fact Eric’s & EJ leaves Salem for good.

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