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    With Bo, Ciara, Harris, Hope & Megan returning in these upcoming months, does this mean that Bo & Hope are going to partner themselves up with the widowers to get back their wives, given as to how Bo reversed Tripp’s death & that Harris & Megain would help Satan?

    This comes to Beyond Salem 2: With in that second season of Beyond Salem, Megan had brought Bo back alive, so explain as to how Bo had helped Ciara in getting her child way from a possessed Allie, & then having Bo reversing Tripp’s death & yet be seen by his daughter, Ben & his grandson before they played out his return from the dead in BS 2?


    Technically Bo was dead, but Megan had his dead body. So yes, Bo’s ghost could help Ciara and Tripp. Remember, he was given the chance to be alive again. Now if his dead body were in the ground he would come back to life under the ground. But his dead body was in a lab. So when he was dead, basically only the shell of his body was in the lab, not the spirit of his body, that was in heaven.


    So with technically Bo was dead, then explain as to how Ben had seen him, as well as Ciara. Bo’s not GOD, Megan may have had his dead body, but that doesn’t give him GOD’s powers to reverse Tripp’s death, now does it?


    It was his ghost. People see ghosts. The only problem with Ben seeing Bo is that unless Ben had seen photos of Bo, he would not have recognized him. As for Tripp, maybe he made a deal with God, who knows? I don’t try to over think these things, otherwise I’d have a huge headache.

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