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  • #7627

     So she writes and mails a letter to Victor at his house then Cancer brings it to him at the hospital. That should take at least 3 days. Then she’s finishing up writing a letter to Sarah. That would have to be the third or fourth day since Victor was just getting around to reading her letter to him. 


    That rope made out of bed sheets look like it was done by Martha Stewart. It was just too perfect looking. And she was still tying the rope when Xander started running back to save her. Either he’s really slow, or that’s a big ass prison.


    was that Maggie’s handwriting on the letter addressed to Victor didn’t match the handwriting on the letter addressed to Sarah!


     And that isn’t Maggie! She was kidnapped by Orpheus between writing the two letters and Zander has arrived to a Faux Maggie, LOL


    You could actually "hang" yourself like that. All Xander has to do is pusher body back against the bed and all will be fine. I agree, those were some lovely braided sheets. She could make a really nice rag rug from that. 


    I’m sure you could strangle yourself while sitting on the floor but I honestly think her head would have had to be farther forward.  


     that cracked me up. I thought the same thing and she must have done it really quickly too. Plus those sheets looked awfully nice when she finished braiding them, almost like silk. I missed the first part. what did she do to hang herself that way? 


     wasn’t hanging, just sitting there on the floor.  I was wondering at first when she was looking at the top bunk that was shorter than she was going to hang herself. I thought there’s be a rafter on the ceiling she’d use, especially when all spoilers on Day’s Cafe and Celebrity Dirty Laundry said that Xander cut her down, down from what? 


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