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    This has nothing to do with the story. What has to do with is this: since when is it Constantine’s place to know anything about The Pawn, the last thing that we need to have Constantine to have power over John, given that I had read somewhere that John’s father comes back in February, I may not remember where I read it, but I did see it some-where.


    I’m still trying to figure out if they’re going to make Constantine John’s father. Every time he seems to recognize John’s eyes, it makes me wonder. Especially after Constantine said he never saw the pawn, only heard of him. So he wouldn’t recognize John from being the Pawn. I also heard they were going to re-write John’s past yet again. Which all leads me to believe, from the rumor you heard, that DVD is not returning, but that Constantine will be revealed as John’s father.


    Then why the story of DVD’s Timothy, the dog tags that was verified as to who they were owned by & then play up that Tobin Bell’s character was never John’s father, then having him taking it out on Paul, when he subjected Paul to brainwashing & injecting into Paul, a virus to unleash the hospital, introducing VD’s Timothy to John’s family, then VD’s Timothy wishing his son A Happy New Year, I can’t see Constantine being John’s father, because of as to when Constantine was conceived by the fertile minds of Howard The Duck, I.E. Days of Our Lives. Then there’s this, with when the character of Constantine was conceived, how would he know about The Phoenix story, given that it stayed between John & Steve & their wives, given that JK’s Const wasn’t with any of them when they brought that up, now was he? Then this how did Constantine have heard of it given when he was conceived by the writers of Howard The Duck, I.E. Days.


    I would hate for Constantine to be John’s father because he’s such a creepy, slimy character.


    Agree, and not to mention too young to be his father.


    I’m not saying that Drake Hogestyn is a knockoff of Richard Burton, to me the equivalent to Richard Burton & Laurence Olivier was Mike Manning’s Charlie Dale. With that out there, it sets it up big time for John to be devastated in more ways than one, meaning, not only will he learn that DVD’s Timothy isn’t his father, but also because it will also be devastating to John, that if it comes out there, I may not know how that Xander is really Victor’s son & that he & Theresa knew all along of that as well & then learning that Const is his father & will be another Tobin Bell’s Timothy, with what he had done, i.e. brainwashing Paul, unleashing a viral epidemic in the hospital, taking Marlena hostage as well as Rafe’s mother as well & that he had a brainwashed Paul to kill his dad, John, do we really need Constantine taking it out on John’s family & having power over him as well? Then, have Maggie learning that Const had Theresa to abduct her granddaughter just so he can play hero & then learning of this, given, that her grandson Brady, given that Victor was Brady’s grandfather, see what I mean, we don’t need Constantine to brainwash Brady into killing his father, John, they way they had played out with Paul & then play out the demonizing of Theresa to Brady, for when he learns that she stole Sarah’s child & also cut out the entire Kiriakis family out of Victor’s Will & leaving everything to Alex. That’s why I can’t see Xander being Victor’s son, because with romance blossoming between Brady & Theresa that we are seeing now, would Theresa risk doing that to Brady, given what she tried to do to herself given as to where Tate ended up?


    I agree, I don’t want Constantine to be John’s father either, but for some reason it looks like the writers and TPTB want to rewrite John’s history again. It is getting old. I want them to keep DVD as John’s dad, but I cannot figure out Constantine’s relationship to John or why he would know John, unless he just knows his real name and what he did during the years that John has no recollection of his life.


    But when John was The Pawn, Was John Kapelos’ Constantine a concept then, if he wasn’t a concept then, then no one would buy at all of Conny knowing John’s real name & what he had done as The Pawn or having no memory of his life for that matter, now would he? Then this they had already covered this story once before when John thought he was Roman, when Wayne Northrop had played Roman, then it came out he was John Black back then, right, so there’s a need to play it up again by having a “non-entity” to John’s real name when JK’s character wasn’t created yet, now was it?


    Agree, Constantine doesn’t look old enough to be John’s father. I too wish they would stop with the stories about John’s father. Leave it at DVD.
    Also, wasn’t the Pawn a DiMera, Stefano, creation, rather than a Kiorikas creation. I didn’t watch back then since I was working.


    The Pawn was definitely a Stefano slash DeMira Creation, given that when John was masquerading as a priest, he did end up having relations with one of Stefan’s mistresses, i.e. Tori Narita, Paul’s mother & that was Paul ended up being John’s son. So the question arises why is it any of Const’s business to know what went on with The Pawn Story? Especially, given that John is family to Maggie. Because of her great-nephew’s husband is the grandson to the woman that is married to John, right?

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