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     Ok, I’m about a week behind, but…

    Every time Bo and Hope talk about their marriage, they refer to "25 years" together.  So, does that mean that Shawn Douglas (and therefore Belle, Philip, Chloe – all of whom were in high school together) is now younger again?  I’m sorry if this was already raised but it’s just been bothering me.


     so I hope they aren’t implying that he’s now in high school!


    the years they weren’t together.


    which was 27 years ago, but they got married in 1985 so that’s 25 years.  I’m assuming that’s what they’re referring to.  Shawn Douglas was born in 1987 (I know because Hope and I were both pregnant at the same time) so he should only be 23.  However, they aged him along with Belle and Phillip a few years ago when they were in high school.  They all graduated in 2002 so according to that they should all be 26 (which doesn’t fit in with Bo and Hope only being married 25 years).  I hate it when they age the kids.  It throws everything off.


    please so we can all refer back to it…I gotta feeling that some day in the very distant future Shawn and Belle’s kid Claire will be sailing the Fancy Face back into Salem harbor by herself, have a college and medical degree,  the latest super duper wardrobe by living on a boat sailing around the world and reek havoc on Salem – no spoiler here just my take of the future possibilities in Salem.


    Don’t even joke about that!  I wouldn’t put it past these writers, though.

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