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    I figured as much, as Carly and Mia’s pier meeting was just too odd to be mere “chance.”


    I just deleted my original post. But if you want to see the spoiler for this it’s on the Annex.


    He sure dropped that bomb with out any pomp or ceremony, that’s for sure.  If I hadn’t already known she had a daughter I may have missed his comment completely.

    What I want to know is how she knew where to find her.  We were led to believe she went to Salem to get help from Bo and now, all of a sudden, she’s there looking for her daughter instead.

    And why all the interest in Mia if Melanie is her daughter?  I think Mia would make much more sense since we don’t know anything at all about her family.  It should be interesting to see if they can handle this in a believable way.


    I think her daughter has to be Melanie – timing is off for Mia.  Besides, Melanie’s history lends itself to her being Carly’s daughter.  Have we ever heard anything about Mia being adopted?  I don’t think so.  Maybe Carly isn’t even sure which one is her daughter…


    It makes  a lot more sense for Mia to be her daughter than Melanie.  Are we to believe that Carly had an affair with Trent, or how did she end up with him?  It would go together nicely if it were Mia, the fact that she lost her daughter and her mom is there to comfort her, etc. 


    From today’s show I’m now thinking Carly’s daughter is Melanie. Because I noted that during their discussion, neither Bo nor Carly ever mentioned her name. And since Days led viewers to believe it was Mia based on the pier meeting plus the exchange at Maggie’s, I’m thinking that was a diversion and that Mel will now turn out to be Carly’s kid. And I’m betting there won’t be the same warm fuzzy chemistry as with Mia.


    I think it’s Melanie.  Did anyone catch that Carly said something about Lawrence making her give the baby "to him".  I’m thinking the "him" was Trent. 

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