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  • #60564

    With what I had read for the upcoming previews, I don’t know if others have read them or not, if anyone hasn’t, here’s the skinny for the people who want to know: Stephanie gets herself sloshed & so does Harris, & they give into their passions & that it turns out that Everett’s ring for Stephanie is the same ring that he had given to Jada. What I’m getting at is this: Why have Ava to target Stephanie for sleeping with her man, & with Ava’s history regarding Shawn Brady Sr., should she go after Stephanie for sleeping with Harris? Then this: The writers need to know that this show isn’t the Ava/Harris/Everett, Jada & Stephanie Show, now is it?


    I had only seen the spoilers with Stephanie and Harris. I don’t get why Harris is out drinking with Stephanie. I get that Stephanie will be upset about something, either Chad or Everett. But what happens to Harris? As for Ava, I guess they can’t write anything for her but crazy and vengeful. Isn’t that what they did when it was Nicole and Rafe? For goodness sake, why don’t they just make her the local, under the radar, mob boss? It would certainly be better than crazy. We’ve seen that story before.

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