Home Forums The Annex Board Pawn Story Redux

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    I have just read that they may play up The Pawn Story involving John from 1985, yet again, & they are giving the illusion that Constantine knew about John & was wondering as to how & where he had known John. Given that The Pawn Story took place 39 years ago, given the new year & all, but still, you tell me as to how the character of Constantine was apart of that story before he played a hotel manager in the story involving Dean Hartman & then have Kap’s Constantine showing up 14 years later. So you tell me as to how Const was a conception at the time of The Pawn Story? Then this, the viewers that are capable of are too young to know of that story, so I kind of doubt there is anyone who’s capable of watching this show would care about having that story being played up yet again?


    Well I’m guess the writers who stepped in during the writer’s strike couldn’t come up with anything too original so they are revisiting/rehashing an old story. I’m bored with it, so I probably will ff through this. I just hate the character of Konstantin so much, I don’t care what he’s involved in.


    I can’t see that the female head-writer who replaced Alaar would play up The Pawn story, given that it was the story that was penned by the writers who stepped in during the writer’s strike, wouldn’t she make the decision to scrap that story, given the writing team then isn’t apart of the show now? So is there a need to play the story out now?


    I have no idea, but we’re stuck with it for now.


    Why is there a need for us to be stuck with it, when the replacement writer for Alaar has the power to can it, doesn’t she?

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