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    To me it’s too soon to see what female is right for this Dr. Mark Greene. Think about it, yes, he did put it out there that he’s straight, but if he was straight, then why was he allowing & showing that he didn’t mind being hit on by Leo before he put it out there to Leo that he’s straight. The same with Aaron, with what we are seeing of him is his attraction to Tate & that it’s noticeable of that as well, they are only showing that with Aaron, & wouldn’t you think that with how Leo was with Dr. Mark, is reminiscent as to how Sonny felt about Will. With how we haven’t seen Aaron & Tate lately, & we haven’t seen of any of them lately, they went in another direction in playing it up of what Sonny K had with Will, i.e. of how Leo is with this new doctor, you see what I’m getting at? To me, that Leo’s Sonny K, had found his Will Horton in this new doctor. Because are going forward with this by playing up having Leo’s Sonny going to see Marlena in finding out as to why he hit on a straight man, that might not that straight, if you know what I’m getting at?


    I’m going to wait and see where this goes. I have heard that Leo is going to get a love interest and the he is going to have a big storyline coming up. So, who know how Leo Stark and Mark Greene will pan out.


    Could be Leo and Mark Greene turn out to be a couple. We’ll just have to watch and see what happens.


    with hearing that Leo is going to get a love interest & that he is going to have a big storyline coming up & if it’s a question if it could be that Leo & Mark Greene turn out to be a couple, is there any news of having Aaron & Tate being a couple, remember, even Brady was with Tate’s mommy when Sonny K was marrying Will, right & look at who’s Brady’s son is, i.e. Tate & that even Ray Charles & Helen Keller can see as to how Aaron feels about Tate, right?


    I’m not getting any Tate and Aaron vibes. Tate only has eyes for Holly. And I don’t know where they are going with the entire Greene family. Seems like that might be important in the future, especially since Salem is beginning to be a bit incestual.


    Yes, Tate has eyes for Holly. But, that doesn’t mean that Aaron doesn’t have eyes for Tate, now does it? The question that I have is that Tate is still a DiMera, no matter as to who raised him, because it was Kristen that gave birth to Tate, right & that Holly is EJ’s stepdaughter, doesn’t that mean that Holly & Tate are half-cousins, given that her half-aunt gave birth to Tate. yes, granted that Holly once had the hots for Johnny & when her mother married EJ, she abandoned her hots for Johnny, right, so I can’t see her having the hots for Tate, given the bad history that she & Tate both have with each other. Think about that. Then what makes anyone think that the school would even allow Holly to go to the prom, given as to where Holly had bought the narcotics & with EJ believing that Tate sold the narcotics to Holly, what makes you think that the school would allow Tate to go to the prom, given that what he covered up for Holly is what had her buy where.


    Just an observation, you seem to be obsessed with gay couplings.


    Kristen carried Tate and gave birth to him but it was Brady’s and Teresa’s embryo that was taken from Teresa and implanted in Kristen by Dr Rolf. Teresa was unconscious and did not give permission for this procedure. Kristen’s role was that of a surrogate. Tate has no DiMera DNA just because Kristen carried him. Holly and Tate are not half cousins or related in any way.


    I will give you that, but what you are bringing up is giving the illusion that what matters is who raised who & not who carried who, no matter what dubious ways that occurred for that to happen. Look at Alex Kiriakis, I’m not talking about what’s going on now, what matters is that it was Justin that got Anjelica pregnant, without putting who where & or in who, would he have been raised by Adrienne? Just like here. I’m not defending Kristen’s actions, what she did was extremely abhorrent, but if Brady hadn’t gotten Theresa pregnant, would Kristen have given birth to Tate. That’s what I’m getting at. & again, with where Holly had bought what where, why on Earth would her school allow her to attend the prom & as well as Tate: His actions would also have the school to ban Tate from the prom, because it made the school libel, yes, granted where the overdose took place was behind The Bistro, but the narcotics were bought on school grounds. I get that Tate panicked, he was horrified into a frozen state, he cared about Holly, so he willfully took it open himself, & that’s what led Holly to allow him to go down for it. All I’m getting at is that, he, should have put his coat on her & used his body heat to keep her warm & tended to her, had made an anonymous call for help & stayed with her, but did that happen, no, he acted like a scared rabbit, frozen in fear, & allowed himself to take the wrap for it, by footing what caused the overdose. The reason as to why I want to see gay romance, is because of how long we haven’t seen any of it, because they threw away HortRiakis & threw away DemitReo, by getting rid of who Leo considered to be the Clyde Barrow Horton to his Bonnie Barrow Kiriakis, if you know what I mean, Then when we get wind of a new love interest for Leo, & that a huge storyline involving Leo & the new doctor showing up, look what they did, they nixed it altogether by having the new doctor to make it known that he’s straight. That’s what I’m getting at. With what we are seeing now, are we seeing any romance of any kind, meaning, that doesn’t pertain to male/female?

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