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    I know for a fact that Nicole’s dead baby is really EJ’s & not Eric’s. Think about it, this story puts it out there for Eric to only know that Sloan & Trask did this to his child, then puts it out there for to him to know that they allowed Nicole to believe that his baby died in the accident & then paid off a dubious doctor to let Nicole & Hubby to learn that their boy was accidentally cremated & that Sloan & Trask had done this to Nicole, the mother of his child, do you really think that the writers would allow Eric to know of this by having him to know what his new wife & her FEBFF, Far-Eastern Best Friend Forever did to his baby? He may have no clue of this, but he too could go to prison by accepting a stolen child, it would show conspiracy, now wouldn’t it?


    No, it doesn’t show conspiracy. If you don’t know of a crime, you can’t be a conspirator. And I think you are still wrong about EJ being the daddy.


    What I’m getting at is perception, do you really think that it would matter to anyone that Eric never knew of it, when what would matter is that the baby can be constituted as stolen property & that he now has possession of? The reason I still do believe beyond a shadow of a doubt is that if this is really Eric’s child with Nicole, why would they be so willing to allow Eric to lose his own child & all access to it when he unknowingly kept a stolen child, a child stolen from Nicole. Remember, this would make child #4 for him to lose. He lost three babies once before, one with Sarah, the one that Jada aborted & the one that Sloan had miscarried, wouldn’t you think that this story would baby #4 for him to lose? Think about it: Look as to what the so-called-death of this child did to EJ, & then put it into play for him to learn that who he thought was his child was accidentally cremated & learn that it was never his: You tell me, isn’t that one of the reasons as why James Scott refuses to come back to this show, due to writing like this, I may not know as to why James Scott refuses to come back to this show, but to me this might be one of the reasons that goes with the others, right?

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