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    Here’s a wild thought. Let’s say Everett is the one that torches Doug & Julie’s home & it traps Chad & his children in it, wouldn’t he take down Jada & Stephanie with him, given that they can’t use the excuse “we never knew”, when fore-warned is fore-armed, meaning, they never bothered to find out anything about him before the both of them in different periods of time when either one of them were with him? Wouldn’t you think that would have ended the story of the fire before they wrote it?


    ??? Do we know who starts the fire? Even if it is Everett, unless Stephanie and Jada aid and abet him, they can’t be held responsible. That’s like saying you had a bad relationship with a person you assumed was good, and they end up being a serial killer. You aren’t responsible, but by your logic you are.


    What I’m trying to relay is that, yes, granted that Jada & Stephanie are not responsible, because they had no way of knowing that Everett was going to show up, but what I’m getting at is the perception of everything. It wouldn’t matter if they are or aren’t responsible, what would matter is that Jada is a cop, she should have done her homework, back in Seattle, she would have used her career to nail him, therefore, preventing him from coming to Salem. The same with Stephanie, she may not have any knowledge of Ev’s history with Jada, but still, she thinks that it’s wise to get involved with an ex, & then work with him, then pontificate Leo’s actions, & act like that the local newspaper is a conglomerate, by doing P.R. for the paper, & that with Everett writing Alice & Tom’s legacy & history, it’s that not far of a leap of him setting the fire, trapping Chad & his children, because Stephanie just had to show him her great-grandparents cornerstone.

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