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    When Everett had brought up the Seattle drug trade, his friend who O.D’d to Stephanie. This is exactly what played out with Kim Coles’ Nurse Whitley King. KC came on May of 2023 & we are suppose to believe that Whitley had accidentally killed her husband & her cats & was in Salem at the time of Abe’s last Mayoral run, before Whitley was concepted, just like this, we are suppose to believe what transpired in Seattle way before Everett was conceived. Think about it, these stories should never have been in play because anyone can look up as to what the first airdate of Berris’ first scenes were, wouldn’t that negate his past history? The same with KC’s Nurse Whitely, given what she had done to her husband & cats, when that supposedly took place, was Whitley a concept when that supposedly took place?


    You seem to mix up reality with this made up story. Everett has to have a back story. Why couldn’t he have had a friend in Seattle who died of a drug overdose. Trust me when I tell you people are dying daily in Seattle from fentanyl overdoses. Now I’m not sure if Everett made up the story to Stephanie for sympathy, because we do know he is liar about something in his past with Jada, but it’s also plausible this really happened in his past. A character doesn’t have to have been in our orbit for that character’s past to exist. They are characters.


    Yes, I know that they are characters & yes, they have backstories, what I’m getting at is how do they have these backstories, when the characters weren’t concepted, now were they. I do get that I am mixing up reality with this made up story, what I’m getting at is that when they had played up Will shooting EJ, that was played out, where Chandler Massey’s brother was the one who played Will when he told Lucas what he did to EJ, they aren’t doing any of that when it comes to Everett, now are they & we are suppose to buy it when that doesn’t happen to verify their story, that’s what I’m getting at. Remember, what they did with Bonnie Lockhart, they did play out what played out when Bonnie was about to be raped by her brother-in-law, but what I’m getting at is that they gave Adrienne’s backstory to her knock-off & we are suppose to believe Bonnie’s story given what Adrienne faced from her father. Now you see what I’m relaying? Just like when Bonnie had played up that her daughter Mimi had shot & killed her father, how did that work given as to when William Bumiller played his role on Days, I bet you dollars to doughnuts that the character of Mimi wasn’t even concepted at the time that Bumiller played his role, now was she?


    By your logic no new character could have a back story.


    All I’m getting at is that when they played out Will’s backstory when it came to EJ’s shooting was perfection, because they had Massey’s own brother playing Will when he told Lucas what he had done to EJ. Then when it came to Bonnie Lockhart, they gave her Adrienne’s backstory by giving the illusion of Bonnie’s rape by Calista’s husband & they played out when after Anjelica died & Hattie went on the lam, they stole the story from Will shooting EJ to have Mimi killing her own father, you tell me as to how a little girl at that age has the strength to handle the weight of a gun, much less now how to shoot, much less shooting her own father with it? That’s what I’m getting at with Everett. What went down in Seattle was before Everett was concepted & he was there to bring up to Stephanie what he was doing in Seattle, is questionable, now isn’t it? What’s wrong with having the character at the time to play out the backstory, i.e. Massey’s brother’s Will telling his father, what he did to EJ?

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