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     So after the reveal, what is Brady’s first response??  Be angry with John…of course.  


    Why wasn’t Brady more enraged with Theresa? Hey dude, this witch you trusted in a relationship almost killed your father. I get his anger at John but to brush over this reality and run to Kristen just shows how insipidly dumb this guy is.
    Now when he sees Kristen and Daniel he’ll probably go tumbliing off the wagon in a major coke and booze binge.


     "Oh poor me, Dad how could you let me think that I hurt you" says Brady.

    Ok so you find out the truth and you yell at your dad and say nothing to Theresa! 

    Class act, NOT. Brady doesn’t deserve any happiness! Wait till he gets to Daniel’s!


    Brady never seemed like he cared all that much about Theresa.  He spends most of his time telling her, we need to slow down, let’s be friends, I need some time, etc., etc.  Just because she lets him sleep with her, doesn’t mean he cares all that much.


     She is just a replacement for his coke and  booze.  I don’t think he cares at all about her..she is just one way of stcking it to this father Marlena, Victor etc…she is his way of saying but out of my business, I can do what I want.  He is going to get burned big time if the writers make her pregnant…he will be stuck with that rotten little money grabber.


     OMG! I think Brady must have sh!t for brains. I can’t believe how upset he was with John, but pretty much gave Theresa a free pass. I like the actor, but goodness me I can’t stand the character. Brady is a Loser with a capital L.

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