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where Nicole is concerned. Perhaps I would go so far as to say a little too "masochistic" for my taste. It’s like ‘pain, be damned,’ he can’t help himself. That’s why I consider him weak. If Nicole would have given Brady the slightest indication that she was interested in him, I might be a little more sympathetic toward his wasted feelings; but, she has always been up front with him where her love for E.J. was concerned. She only wanted what Brady could do for her; not Brady himself, ever. Now that she has ‘seen the light’ she seems to be looking back on her decisions and suddenly has come to the conclusion that…..what was the line that Dorothy said at the end of the Wizard of Oz…..something like, "if I ever decide to go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t have to look any further than my own back yard." She had it all in Brady and she chose to use him to her advantage and then throw him out like yesterday’s newspaper, and he allowed her to do it, over and over and over again. That’s why I find him weak.