Home Forums The Brady Pub MAJOR Winter Storm Goin’ On Here!!! Reply To: MAJOR Winter Storm Goin’ On Here!!!


 right now.  It’s blowing like crazy. I went out and shoveled from 7:30-8:30.  It was light but at least 9" and filling up as soon as I cleared it.  The only advantage to keeping up with it is that when you have super deep snow, it’s harder for the snowblower to get the normal size ‘chunks’ that go in to be blown out.    The plows haven’t been around too much here either.   A few went by while I was shoveling to fill in the end of the driveway again, lol, but that’s about it.  I’m hibernating until it stops or I have to go to work (Monday morning) which ever comes first.   I really wish Mother Nature would take it away the same way she brought it but that never seems to happen.  Also, at this time of year, it doesn’t melt very quickly even when the sun is out strong – it’s too cold!